Tailor Your Business

For any business to succeed, achieving a market fit is the primary goal. But verifying that your product or service meets a strong market need and can stand up to competitors is certainly not an exact science, nor does it typically happen overnight. Building momentum in a market requires patience and comes with no guarantees as customers’ needs, regulatory landscapes, and competitive pressures change over time.


Find Demographics & Statistics

Finding demographics and statistics can be very overwhelming even for the seasoned researcher. Here are some of the best sources to use when searching out the elusive numbers you need for your business plan or for grant writing in the nonprofit sector.

Gain insight into your community's demographics through CCPL's collection of business databases. Find information about population, daytime population, age, sex, income, and how much consumers spend on a variety of products and services in the area. Click here to view the business database resources CCPL offers


Conduct Market Research

CCPL has a number of research databases to help business owners conduct market research and understand how to best market your product or service.

From the Advertising Age in Business Research Premiere that has hundreds of industry reports for the US and other countries, to the Datamonitor Market Research Reports filled with industry research reports, and Demographics Now which offers more than 75 reports containing thousands of data points useful for market research and business location decisions.

Next step: Market Your Business
