Subjects: TEAMS in the workplace; FLEXIBLE work arrangements; VIRTUAL work teams
Record details
Subjects: *BUSINESS communication; *TEAMS in the workplace; *WORKPLACE management
Subjects: *HOSPITAL personnel; *WORKPLACE management; *TEAMS in the workplaceMICROSOFT Corp. 081466849 MICROSOFT Corp. MICROSOFT Corp. 081466849 081466849 MICROSOFT Corp. 081466849 MSFT
Subjects: *STRATEGIC planning; *TEAMS in the workplace; *INDUSTRIAL management
Subjects: *OFFICE design & construction; *OFFICE decoration; *OFFICE layout
Subjects: *PERSONNEL management; *WORKPLACE management; *TEAMS in the workplace
Subjects: *MANAGEMENT of teams in the workplace; *TEAMS in the workplace; *INDUSTRIAL management
Subjects: *PRODUCTIVITY accounting; *WORK measurement; *INDUSTRIAL management
Subjects: *TEAMS in the workplace; *COWORKER relationships; *GENERATIONS
Subjects: *BUSINESS enterprises; *WORKPLACE management; *TEAMS in the workplace