Subjects: *SALES culture; *CUSTOMER relations; *BUSINESS developmentHSBC Holdings PLC HSBC Holdings PLC HSBC Holdings PLC HBC100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)...
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Subjects: *MARKETING strategy; *BUSINESS conditions; *RECESSIONSXEROX Corp. 049591852 XEROX Corp. XEROX Corp. 049591852 049591852 XEROX Corp. 049591852 XRX100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)...
Subjects: *MARKET segmentation; *MARKETING strategy; *STRATEGIC planning100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)KOURDI, Jeremy
Subjects: *INNOVATION adoption; *INDUSTRIAL management; *STRATEGIC planning?WHAT If! Ltd.100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)...
Subjects: *DECISION making; *CRITICAL thinking; *STRATEGIC planning100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)KOURDI, Jeremy; DE Bono, Edward, 1933-
Subjects: *STRATEGIC planning; *MARKETING strategy; *INDUSTRIAL procurementNESTLE SA100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)...
Subjects: *DIRECT selling; *MARKETING strategy; *STRATEGIC planningDELL Computer Corp. 114315195 DELL Computer Corp. DELL Computer Corp. 114315195 114315195 DELL Computer Corp. 114315195 DELL100 Great Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)...
Subjects: *ORGANIZATIONAL change; *STRATEGIC planningUNITED StatesUNITED States Postal Service...
Subjects: *BUSINESS communication; *BUMPER stickers; *GOAL setting in personnel management100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)KOURDI, Jeremy
Subjects: *COMPETITIVE advantage in business; *STRATEGIC planningTESCO PLC100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (Book)...