Subjects: DISEASES in women; WOMEN'S health services; HEART diseases in women
Record details
Subjects: MEDICAL care education; DISEASES in women; PUBLIC health
Subjects: *MEDICAL care; *RESEARCH; NATIONAL Institutes of Health (U.S.). Office of Research on Women's HealthUNITED States
Subjects: PREVENTION of communicable diseases; DISEASES in women; JUVENILE diseasesCANADA
Subjects: *DIAGNOSTIC services; HEART diseases in women; DISEASES in women
Subjects: *PUBLIC finance; DISEASES in women; PUBLIC healthCANADAMERCK & Co. Inc. 001317064 MERCK & Co. Inc. MERCK & Co. Inc. 001317064 001317064 MERCK & Co. Inc. 001317064 MRK
Subjects: SEXUAL dysfunction; DISEASES in women; RETIREESIRAN
Subjects: AIDS prevention; DISEASES in women; SEXUALLY transmitted diseases
Subjects: HIV antibodies; DISEASES in women; BIRTH controlNEW York (State)