Subjects: Qur'an as literature; Arabic poetry--History and criticismFOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Arabic
Record details
Subjects: Poets, Arab; Arabic poetry--History and criticismLITERARY CRITICISM / African
Subjects: Poetry--History and criticism; Arabic poetry--History and criticismLITERARY CRITICISM / Poetry
Subjects: Arabic language--Versification; Arabic poetry--History and criticismLITERARY CRITICISM / Middle Eastern
Subjects: Arabic poetry--History and criticism; Poets, Arab--BiographyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Literary Figures
Subjects: Arabic poetry--History and criticismLITERARY CRITICISM / African
Subjects: Verse drama, Arabic--History and criticism; Arabic poetry--History and criticismLITERARY CRITICISM / African
Subjects: Arabic fiction--History and criticism; Arabic poetry--History and criticismLITERARY CRITICISM / African
Subjects: Arabic poetry--History and criticism; Arabic language--VersificationLITERARY CRITICISM / African