Subjects: Speech disorders; Communicative disorders; Speech therapyMEDICAL / Audiology & Speech Pathology
Record details
Subjects: Speech therapy--Handbooks, manuals, etc; Speech disorders; Language disordersMEDICAL / Audiology & Speech Pathology
Subjects: Children--Diseases--Encyclopedias; Children--Health and hygiene--Encyclopedias; Pediatrics--EncyclopediasHEALTH & FITNESS / Children's Health
Subjects: Children--Health and hygiene--Encyclopedias; Children--Diseases--Encyclopedias; Pediatrics--EncyclopediasMEDICAL / Pediatrics
Subjects: Language disorders; Special education; Language acquisitionLANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Literacy; EDUCATION / Educational Psychology; EDUCATION / Special Education / Learning Disabilities
Subjects: Speech therapy--Exercises--Handbooks, manuals,; Speech Therapy--methods--Handbooks; Articulation Disorders--therapy--HandbooksMEDICAL / Audiology & Speech Pathology
Subjects: Speech therapy for children--Popular works; Speech disorders in children--Popular worksHEALTH & FITNESS / General