Subjects: EMOTIONS; JOY; MINSTREL showsUNITED StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesReport Available
Record details
Subjects: Parliament of England, 1559-1581, The (Book); Elton, G. R. (Geoffrey Rudolph); Great Britain. Parliament
Subjects: Common law--Italy--History--To 1500--Sources; Law--Italy--History--To 1500--Sources; Jurisprudence--Italy--History--To 1500--SourcesHISTORY / Europe / Medieval; HISTORY / Europe / Italy; LAW / Legal History
Subjects: Social justice--Guatemala; Environmental justice--GuatemalaNATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection; SCIENCE / Earth Sciences / Geography
Subjects: POLITICAL SCIENCE / World / Canadian; HISTORY / Canada / General; HISTORY / Essays
Subjects: Political participation; Freedom of information; Information technology--Social aspectsPOLITICAL SCIENCE / Civics & Citizenship; COMPUTERS / Information Technology; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Globalization
Subjects: Women judges--Canada--BiographyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Lawyers & Judges; BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Women; HISTORY / Canada / General
Subjects: Directors of corporations--Canada--Biography; Lawyers--Canada--BiographyBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Lawyers & Judges; HISTORY / Canada / General; LAW / Legal History
Subjects: Women dentists--Ontario--History; Women dentists; PrejudicesHISTORY / Canada / General; MEDICAL / History;