Subjects: NELSON, Gaylord, 1916-2005; UNITED States legislators; ENVIRONMENTALISTSUNITED StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesReport Available
Record details
Subjects: MURIE, Olaus, 1889-1963; MURIE, Margaret E., 1902-2003; WILDLIFE conservationistsUNITED StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesReport Available
Subjects: HUGHES, Charles Evans, 1862-1948; PUBLIC officers; CABINET officersAmericanGovernor of New York; Lawyer; Presidential Candidate
Subjects: HAY, John, 1838-1905; PUBLIC officers; CABINET officersAmericanAmbassador; Author; Secretary of State
Subjects: ADAMS, John Quincy, 1767-1848; CABINET officers; UNITED States. Dept. of StateAmericanAmbassador; Author; Diplomat
Subjects: TRACY, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1830-1915; UNITED States Navy personnel; PUBLIC officersAmericanBrigadier General; District Attorney; Justice...
Subjects: BAKER, James Addison, 1930-; CABINET officers; PUBLIC officersAmericanChief of Staff; Government Official; Lawyer
Subjects: INTERNATIONAL relations; CABINET officers; FOREIGN relations of the United StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesReport Available
Subjects: ABOLITIONISTS; AFRICAN American abolitionists; SOCIAL reformersUNITED StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesReport Available
Subjects: MURROW, Edward R., 1908-1965; JOURNALISTS; JOURNALISMAmericanBroadcast Journalist; Director of the US Information Agency