Subjects: Premeditated Mortar (Book); Carlisle, Kate; Historical fiction
Record details
Subjects: Manhattan Mortar Attacks (Book); Laputa, Diogenes; Mortars (Ordnance)
Subjects: Absence of Mallets (Book); Carlisle, Kate; Mystery fiction
Subjects: Tucci, Stanley, 1960-; Actors; Authors
Subjects: Death Unfiltered (Book); Duncan, Emmeline; Death
Subjects: Goddess: 50 Goddesses, Spirits, Saints & Other Female Figures Who Have Shaped Belief (Book); Ramirez, Janina; Goddesses
Subjects: Aisles Have Eyes: How Retailers Track Your Shopping, Strip Your Privacy & Define Your Power, The (Book); Turow, Joseph; Retail industry
Subjects: National Monuments of the U.S.A. (Book); Walker, Cameron; National monuments