Subjects: SOCIAL entrepreneurship; SOCIAL innovation; SOCIAL changeMARINE Stewardship Council (Organization); GRAMEEN Bank (Company)
Record details
Subjects: KELO v. City of New London; KELO, Susette; UNITED States. Supreme CourtNEW London (Conn.); UNITED StatesUNITED StatesUNITED StatesReport Available
Subjects: MOBIUS, August Ferdinand, 1790-1868; HISTORY of mathematics; CONFORMAL geometryGermanAstronomer; Mathematician
Subjects: C & A Carbone Inc. v. Clarkstown (Supreme Court case); UNITED States. Supreme Court
Subjects: UNITED States. Supreme Court
Subjects: LOCHNER v. People of the State of New York
Subjects: YOUNGSTOWN Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer