Subjects: Words in Deep Blue (Book); Crowley, Cath; Johnson, Hamish R.
Record details
Subjects: Pearl Thief, The (Book); Wein, Elizabeth; Service, Maggie
Subjects: Love, Ish (Book); Rivers, Karen; Frutkin, Jill
Subjects: Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index (Book); Israel, Julie; Revasch, Abigail
Subjects: Julia Defiant (Book); Egan, Catherine; Spencer, Erin
Subjects: Wizard of Earthsea, A (Book : Le Guin); Le Guin, Ursula K., 1929-2018; Inglis, Rob
Subjects: Uncle Bubba's Savannah Seafood (Book); Hiers, Earl "Bubba"
Subjects: Balance: In Search of the Lost Sense (Book); McCredie, Scott
Subjects: Lidia's Italy: 140 Simple & Delicious Recipes From the Ten Places in Italy Lidia Loves Most (Book); Bastianich, Lidia Matticchio; Manuali, Tanya Bastianich
Subjects: Almost Human: Making Robots Think (Book); Gutkind, Lee