Subjects: Aphorisms and apothegmsSELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success; RELIGION / Spirituality
Record details
Subjects: Aphorisms and apothegmsRELIGION / Religion & Science
Subjects: Aphorisms and apothegmsRELIGION / Islam / General
Subjects: Islam--Religious lifeRELIGION / Islam / Koran & Sacred Writings
Subjects: Arabic fictionLITERARY CRITICISM / Middle Eastern
Subjects: Conduct of lifeRELIGION / Islam / General
Subjects: FICTION / Literary
Subjects: HistoryRELIGION / History; HISTORY / Middle East / Egypt; RELIGION / Comparative Religion
Subjects: Aesthetics, ArabPHILOSOPHY / Ethics & Moral Philosophy