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  • 1-10 of  159 results for ""Bipolar Disorder""
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Academic Journal

['Writer of the soul' - Virginia Woolf's bipolar disorder in light of her life story and traumatization].

  • Authors : Bélteczki Z; Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Kórházak és Egyetemi Oktatókórház, Sántha Kálmán Pszichiátriai Szakkórház, Nagykálló, Hungary, E-mail: .; van der Wijk I

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder*/Bipolar Disorder*/Bipolar Disorder*/psychology; Female ; Humans

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2023; Vol. 38 (4), pp. 385-396.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[The importance of the staging model in bipolar disorder].

  • Authors : Bélteczki Z; Nagykállói Sántha Kálmán Tagkórház, Nagykálló, Hungary, E-mail: .; Kocsis C

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder* ; Psychiatry*; Humans

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2023; Vol. 38 (2), pp. 100-109.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[Irony comprehension in first degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder - a pilot fMRI study].

  • Authors : Csulak T; Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem, AOK, Klinikai Idegtudomanyok Doktori Iskola, Pecs, Hungary, E-mail: .; Varga E

Subjects: Comprehension* ; Language* ; Magnetic Resonance Imaging*

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2020; Vol. 35 (4), pp. 540-546.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[Similarities and differences between bipolar disorder and hypertension: may be mania is the hypertension of the mood?]

  • Authors : Rihmer Z; Semmelweis Egyetem, Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika és Országos Pszichiátriai és Addiktológiai Intézet, Budapest, Hungary. .; Gonda X

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder* ; Hypertension*; Affect

  • Source: Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology Publisher: Neuroline Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 100961631 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 1419-8711 (Print)

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Academic Journal

[Neurocognitive functioning in first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder. A review of the literature].

  • Authors : Berecz H; Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem, Klinikai Idegtudomanyok Doktori Iskola, Pszichiatria Program, Pecs, Hungary, E-mail: .; Tényi T

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder*; Cognition ; Cognition Disorders

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2016; Vol. 31 (4), pp. 364-375.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[Social cognitive functioning in first-degree relatives of patients with bipolar disorder. A review of the literature].

  • Authors : Berecz H; Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem, Klinikai Idegtudomanyok Doktori Iskola, Pszichiatria Program, Pecs, Hungary, E-mail: .; Tényi T

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder* ; Cognition*; Cognition Disorders

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2016; Vol. 31 (4), pp. 376-381.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[Mother, psychiatric patient, poet. Contradictions in the roles of Anna Sexton].

  • Authors : Horváth A; Feher Gyuru Kozhasznu Egyesulet, Budapest, Hungary, E-mail: .

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder* ; Psychiatry*; Child

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2021; Vol. 36 (3), pp. 353-369.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[Waking in the Blue: The representation and the role of the psychiatric disorder in Robert Lowell's confessional poetry].

  • Authors : Matuszka B; Pazmany Peter Katolikus Egyetem, Bolcseszet- es Tarsadalomtudomanyi Kar, Pszichologiai Intezet, Budapest, Hungary, E-mail: .

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder* ; Creativity* ; Mental Disorders* Lowell R

  • Source: Psychiatria Hungarica : A Magyar Pszichiatriai Tarsasag tudomanyos folyoirata [Psychiatr Hung] 2021; Vol. 36 (3), pp. 370-381.Publisher: Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 9426825 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN:

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Academic Journal

[Bipolar aff ective disorder - Perspectives on Developmental Psychopathology].

  • Authors : Bencsik J; Észak-Közép-budai Centrum, Új Szent János Kórház és Szakrendelő, Neurológiai Osztály - Stroke Centrum, Budapest, Hungary. ; .

Subjects: Bipolar Disorder*/Bipolar Disorder*/Bipolar Disorder*/diagnosis ; Bipolar Disorder*/Bipolar Disorder*/Bipolar Disorder*/epidemiology; Attention

  • Source: Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology Publisher: Neuroline Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 100961631 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 1419-8711 (Print)

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Academic Journal

[Treatment of bipolar disorder with lamotrigine -- relapse rate and suicidal behaviour during 6 month follow-up].

  • Authors : Rihmer Z; Semmelweis Egyetem, ÁOK, Klinikai és Kutatási Mentálhigiénés Osztály, Budapest, Hungary. .; Gonda X

Subjects: Ambulatory Care*; Antidepressive Agents/Antidepressive Agents/Antidepressive Agents/*therapeutic use ; Antipsychotic Agents/Antipsychotic Agents/Antipsychotic Agents/*therapeutic use

  • Source: Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica : a Magyar Pszichofarmakologiai Egyesulet lapja = official journal of the Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology Publisher: Neuroline Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 100961631 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 1419-8711 (Print)

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  • 1-10 of  159 results for ""Bipolar Disorder""