Subjects: PHYSIOLOGICAL therapeutics; PHYSICAL therapy; OCCUPATIONAL therapyUNITED States
Record details
Subjects: MACK, Susan; UNIVERSAL design; OCCUPATIONAL therapy
Subjects: NURSING assessment; PHYSICAL therapy; OCCUPATIONAL therapy
Subjects: OCCUPATIONAL therapists; OCCUPATIONAL therapy laws; MEDICAL lawsSOUTH Dakota
Subjects: MEDICAL equipment industry; DIRECTORIESUNITED States
Subjects: HOSPITAL prospective payment; LONG-term care facilities; REVENUE
Subjects: LEITER, Pamela; EVALUATION of medical care; SUBACUTE care facilities
Subjects: NURSING care facilities; EXAMINATIONS; OBESITY treatmentUNITED States
Subjects: NURSING home prospective payment; UNITED States. Dept. of Health & Human Services. Office of Inspector General; MEDICAL care for older peopleUNITED States