Subjects: Pitch Dark (Book : Doiron); Doiron, Paul; Father-child relationship
Record details
Subjects: My Daddy Is a Cowboy (Book); Seales, Stephanie; Father-child relationship
Subjects: With Dad (Book); Jackson, Richard; Father-child relationship
Subjects: Daddy & Me, Side by Side (Book); Freelon, Pierce; Father-child relationship
Subjects: My Day With Dad (Book); Crawford, Rae; Father-child relationship
Subjects: Tadpoles (Book : James); James, Matt; Father-child relationship
Subjects: Daddy & Me (Book : Urda); Urda, Gary; Father-child relationship
Subjects: This Is the First Book I Will Read to You (Book); Sedita, Francesco; Father-child relationship
Subjects: *FATHER-child relationship; *FICTION; *CHILDREN'S literatureMY Father's Clothes (Book)
Subjects: My Dad, My Rock (Book); Santos, Victor D. O.; Father-child relationship