Subjects: Sequel, The (Book); Korelitz, Jean Hanff; Autobiographical fiction
Record details
Subjects: Koan Khmer (Book); Tuon, Bunkong, 1972-; Autobiographical fiction
Subjects: Somewhere on the Mountain (Book); Novosad, Michael F.; Autobiographical fiction
Subjects: Dayswork (Book); Bachelder, Chris, 1971-; Habel, Jennifer
Subjects: Broken Summer (Book); Lee, J. M.; Autobiographical fiction
Subjects: DINEH: An Autobiographical Novel (Book); AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL fiction; MAZE, Ida
Subjects: My Life in Sports: A Novel in Four Quarters (Book); Weber, David Ollier; Autobiographical fiction
Subjects: Two Nurses, Smoking: Stories (Book); Means, David; Short story collections
Subjects: Canción (Book); Halfon, Eduardo; Autobiographical fiction
Subjects: Love Like Water, Love Like Fire (Book); Iossel, Mikhail; Autobiographical fiction