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Providing mothers with fetal heart monitors.

Subjects: Attitude to Health*; Electrocardiography, Ambulatory/Electrocardiography, Ambulatory/Electrocardiography, Ambulatory/*methods ; Electrocardiography, Ambulatory/Electrocardiography, Ambulatory/Electrocardiography, Ambulatory/*psychology

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2020 Jul 01; Vol. 98 (7), pp. 445-446.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

Record details

Academic Journal

The International Finance Facility for Immunisation: stakeholders' perspectives.

Subjects: Attitude to Health* ; Health Policy*; Immunization/Immunization/Immunization/*economics

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2016 Sep 01; Vol. 94 (9), pp. 687-693. Date of Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print-Electronic

Record details

Academic Journal

Understanding why people participate in HIV surveillance.

  • Authors : Zaba B; London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, England .; Reniers G

Subjects: Attitude to Health*; HIV Infections/HIV Infections/HIV Infections/*psychology ; Research Subjects/Research Subjects/Research Subjects/*psychology

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2015 May 01; Vol. 93 (5), pp. 356-7.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

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Academic Journal

Bypassing primary care clinics for childbirth: a cross-sectional study in the Pwani region, United Republic of Tanzania.

  • Authors : Kruk ME; 600 West 168th Street, Room 606, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY 10032, United States of America .; Hermosilla S

Subjects: Attitude to Health*; Maternal Health Services/Maternal Health Services/Maternal Health Services/*statistics & numerical data ; Parturition/Parturition/Parturition/*psychology

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2014 Apr 01; Vol. 92 (4), pp. 246-53. Date of Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print-Electronic

Record details


Recording patient responses in low-income countries: does the tool make a difference?

Subjects: Attitude to Computers* ; Attitude to Health* ; Developing Countries*

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2008 Oct; Vol. 86 (10), pp. 740, A.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

Record details

Academic Journal

Resistance to implementing policy change: the case of Ukraine.

  • Authors : Atun R; Imperial College London, London, England. ; Olynik I

Subjects: Attitude to Health* ; Health Behavior* ; Health Policy*

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2008 Feb; Vol. 86 (2), pp. 147-54.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

Record details


Brazil and Peru pool views of their people to set health agenda.

Subjects: Attitude to Health* ; Community Participation* ; Health Policy*

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2005 Jul; Vol. 83 (7), pp. 485-6.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

Record details

Editorial & Opinion

The promise of primary health care.

Subjects: Attitude to Health* ; Poverty*; Primary Health Care/Primary Health Care/Primary Health Care/*trends

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2005 May; Vol. 83 (5), pp. 322. Date of Electronic Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print-Electronic

Record details

Editorial & Opinion

Breaking the ice: HIV serostatus disclosure.

Subjects: Attitude to Health* ; HIV Seropositivity* ; Self Disclosure*

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2004 Jul; Vol. 82 (7), pp. 552.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

Record details

Academic Journal

Rates, barriers and outcomes of HIV serostatus disclosure among women in developing countries: implications for prevention of mother-to-child transmission programmes.

  • Authors : Medley A; Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of International Health, 615 N. Wolfe Street, E5033, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.; Garcia-Moreno C

Subjects: Attitude to Health* ; Self Disclosure*; HIV Seropositivity/HIV Seropositivity/HIV Seropositivity/*psychology

  • Source: Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Bull World Health Organ] 2004 Apr; Vol. 82 (4), pp. 299-307.Publisher: World Health Organization Country of Publication: Switzerland NLM ID: 7507052 Publication Model: Print Cited

Record details

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