Subjects: UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit); EMPLOYMENT of people with disabilities; AMERICANS with Disabilities Act of 1990
Record details
Subjects: NATIONAL Association of Home Builders (U.S.); UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit); ACTIONS & defenses (Law)
Subjects: UNITED States. Congress; SUTTON, Jeffrey S., 1960-; UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit)
Subjects: CLEAN Water Act of 1977 (U.S.); UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit); UNITED States. Environmental Protection Agency
Subjects: JUDICIAL selection & appointment; UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit); STABENOW, Debbie, 1950-UNITED States
Subjects: AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union; MOTTOES; UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit)OHIO; UNITED States
Subjects: UNITED States. Supreme Court; INTELLECTUAL property; UNITED States. Copyrights (1976)UNITED States
Subjects: TAXATION; MEDICAID; UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit)
Subjects: THAPAR, Amul; APPELLATE judges; UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit)
Subjects: UNITED States. Court of Appeals (6th Circuit); GROSS, Michael; WILKINS, ShamoneUNITED States