Subjects: ORGANIC foods & health; ORGANIC foods industry; ORGANIC food labeling
Record details
Subjects: FOOD labeling laws; GENETICALLY modified food labeling laws; ORGANIC food labelingVERMONT; UNITED States; CALIFORNIA
Subjects: UNITED States. Dept. of Agriculture; ORGANIC food labeling; FOOD labeling
Subjects: SHOPPING; FARMERS' markets; SHOPPING carts
Subjects: FOOD labeling laws; ORGANIC food labeling; UNITED States. Dept. of Agriculture
Subjects: FOOD labeling; LABELS; FOOD composition
Subjects: FOOD labeling; ORGANIC food labeling; FOOD industryCANADA
Subjects: ORGANIC food labeling; GENETICALLY modified foods; ORGANIC foodsUNITED States
Subjects: ORGANIC food labeling; NATURE & More (Company); LASER engraving
Subjects: STREEP, Meryl, 1949-; PESTICIDE pollution; SEEDLINGS