Summary: Through the Wormhole explores the deepest mysteries of existence, the questions that have puzzled mankind for eternity. The series brings together the brightest minds and best ideas from the very edges of science to reveal the extraordinary truth of our universe, and to raise even more philosophical questions.
Content Notes:
Disc 1. Is there a God particle? ; When does life begin? ; Can we survive the death of the Sun? ; How do aliens think? ; Will sex become extinct? -- disc 2. Can our minds be hacked? ; Are robots the future of human evolution? ; Is reality real? ; Do we have free will? ; Did God create evolution?
Host, Morgan Freeman.
Originally broadcast in 2013 as ten episodes of the Science television series: Through the wormhole. TV Parental Guidelines Rating: TV-14. DVD; region 1; widescreen presentation; Dolby 2.0. Closed-captioned. 10
Accession Number:
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Branch: West Ashley Library - Nonfiction Audio Visual Area
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