Content Notes: Foreword / Domna C. Stanton ; preface / David G. Nicholls -- 1. Scholarly publishing -- Scholars and scholarly publishing -- Refereed and nonrefereed publications -- Deciding to submit a manuscript -- Placing a manuscript with a journal -- Scholarly journals -- Types of scholarly articles -- Selecting a journal -- Submitting a manuscript to a journal -- Evaluation of a manuscript -- Acceptance of a manuscript -- Placing a manuscript with a press -- Scholarly presses -- Types of scholarly books -- Selecting a press -- Submitting a prospectus for a book -- Submitting a manuscript to a press -- Evaluation of a manuscript -- Acceptance of a manuscript -- Production & publication -- Copyediting -- Proofreading -- Preparing an index -- Design -- Composition, printing, binding, electronic production -- Marketing.
Content Notes: 2. Legal issues in scholarly publishing -- Copyright -- Development of copyright law in the United States -- Subject matter of copyright -- Ownership of copyright -- Co-ownership of copyright -- Works made for hire -- Material objects -- Term of copyright -- Registration of copyright -- Copyright notice -- Renewal of copyright -- Rights of copyright owners -- Transfers & terminations -- Fair use of copyrighted works -- Requesting permission -- Damages for copyright infringement & attorney's fees -- International copyright -- Copyright & computer networks -- Publishing contracts -- Books -- Journal articles & contributions to edited works -- Defamation -- Libel -- Opinion -- Truth as defense -- Actual malice -- Right of privacy -- Emergence of privacy law -- Unreasonable publicity of private life -- Publicity placing another in a false light -- Consent as defense -- Further guidance.
Content Notes: 3. Basics of scholarly writing -- Audience, genre, and the conventions of scholarship -- Language and style -- Spelling -- Consistency and choice of spelling -- Word division -- Plurals -- Accents -- Umlauts -- Ligatures and other special characters -- Punctuation -- Purpose of punctuation -- Commas -- Semicolons -- Colons -- Dashes and parentheses -- Hyphens -- Apostrophes -- Quotation marks -- Square brackets -- Slashes -- Periods, question marks, and exclamation points -- Spacing after concluding punctuation marks -- Italics -- Words and letters referred to as words and letters -- Foreign words in an English text -- Emphasis -- Names of persons -- First and subsequent uses of names -- Titles of persons -- Names of authors and fictional characters -- Dutch and German names -- French names -- Greek names -- Hungarian names -- Italian names -- Russian names -- Spanish names -- Latin names -- Asian names -- Names in other languages -- Capitalization -- English -- French -- German -- Italian -- Portuguese -- Russian -- Spanish -- Latin -- Other languages -- Titles of works in the manuscript -- General guidelines -- Italicized titles -- Titles in quotation marks -- Titles and quotations within titles -- Exceptions -- Shortened titles -- Quotations -- Accuracy of quotations -- Prose -- Poetry -- Drama -- Ellipsis -- Other alterations of sources -- Punctuation with quotations -- Translations of quotations -- Numbers -- Arabic numerals -- Use of words or numerals -- Commas in numbers -- Percentages and amounts of money -- Dates and times of the day -- Inclusive numbers -- Roman numerals -- Romanization -- Further guidance --
Content Notes: 4. Preparation of scholarly manuscripts -- Introduction -- Physical characteristics of the printed manuscript -- Divisions of the text -- Margins -- Text formatting -- Title and author's name -- Page numbers -- Tables and illustrations -- Paper and printing -- Corrections and revisions -- Binding -- Manuscripts for publication -- 5. Preparation of theses and dissertations -- Student works as professional documents -- Prescribed guidelines -- Selecting a topic -- Preparing a prospectus -- Special format requirements -- Theses and dissertations as published works -- Divisions of the text -- Page numbers -- Margins -- Spacing -- Binding of print copies -- Submission of electronic files -- Publishing the dissertation through ProQuest -- Terms of agreement -- Abstract -- Copyright -- Permissions --
Content Notes: 6. Documentation : preparing the list of works cited -- The purposes of documentation -- Documentation and ethics -- MLA style -- The list of works cited -- Introduction -- Placement of the list of works cited -- Arrangement of entries -- Two or more works by the same author -- Two or more works by the same authors -- Cross-references -- Citing periodical print publications -- Introduction -- An article in a scholarly journal -- An article in a scholarly journal that uses only issue numbers -- An article in a scholarly journal with more than one series -- An article in a newspaper -- An article in a magazine -- A review -- An abstract in an abstracts journal -- An anonymous article -- An editorial -- A letter to the editor -- A serialized article -- A special issue -- Citing nonperiodical print publications -- Introduction -- A book by a single author -- An anthology or a compilation -- A book by two or more authors -- A book by a corporate author -- A work in an anthology -- An article in a reference book -- An introduction, a preface, a foreword, or an afterword -- An anonymous book -- A scholarly edition -- A translation ; An illustrated book or a graphic narrative --
Content Notes: A book published in a second or subsequent edition -- A multivolume work -- A book in a series -- A republished book or journal issue -- A publisher's imprint -- A book with multiple publishers -- A brochure, pamphlet, or press release -- A government publication -- The published proceedings of a conference -- A book in a language other than English -- A book published before 1900 -- A book without stated publication -- Information or pagination -- An unpublished dissertation -- A published dissertation -- Citing web publications -- Introduction -- A nonperiodical publication -- A scholarly journal -- A periodical publication in an online database -- Citing additional common sources -- A television or radio broadcast -- A sound recording -- A film or a video recording -- A performance -- A musical score -- A work of visual art -- An interview -- A map or chart -- A cartoon or comic strip -- An advertisement -- A lecture, a speech, an address, or a reading -- A manuscript or typescript -- A letter, a memo, or an e-mail message -- A legal source -- An article in a microform collection of articles -- An article reprinted in a loose-leaf collection of articles -- A publication on CD-ROM or DVD-ROM -- A digital file -- A work in more than one publication medium --
Content Notes: 7. Documentation : citing sources in the text -- Parenthetical documentation and the list of works cited -- Information required in parenthetical documentation -- Readability -- Sample references -- Citing an entire work, including a work with no page numbers -- Citing part of a work -- Citing volume and page numbers of a multivolume work -- Citing a work listed by title -- Citing a work by a corporate author -- Citing two or more works by the same author or authors -- Citing indirect sources -- Citing common literature -- Citing more than one work in a single parenthetical reference -- Citing a book with signatures and no page numbers -- Using notes with parenthetical documentation -- Content notes -- Bibliographic notes --
Content Notes: 8. Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Time designations -- Geographic names -- Common scholarly abbreviations and reference words -- Publishers' names -- Titles of works -- Bible -- Works by Shakespeare -- Works by Chaucer -- Other works -- Names of languages -- Proofreading symbols -- Symbols used in the text -- Symbols used in the margin -- Sample marked proof -- Appendix : Specialized style manuals -- Sources of Examples in 3.4-5 -- Index.
Notes: Rev. ed. of: MLA style manual and guide to scholarly publishing / Joseph Gibaldi. 2nd ed. 1998.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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