Summary: LaserWriter II is a coming-of-age tale set in the legendary 90s indie NYC Mac repair shop TekServe— a voyage back in time to when the internet was new, when New York City was gritty, and when Apple made off-beat computers for weirdos. Our guide is Claire, a 19-year-old who barely speaks to her bohemian co-workers, but knows when it’ s time to snap on an antistatic bracelet. -- Provided by publisher.
Summary: "From the incomparable New York Times and New Yorker illustrator Tamara Shopsin, a debut novel about a NYC printer repair technician who comes of age alongside the Apple computer-featuring original artistic designs by the author"-- Provided by publisher.
Subtitle from book jacket. 1 22
9780374602574 0374602573
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Branch: Main Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: SHOPSIN
Branch: Wando Mount Pleasant Library - Fiction Area
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