Summary: Slime's up for one recently deceased middle-aged businessman! When the gods reincarnate him in another world as a boy with magical powers, he discovers that magically-tamed slime are an untapped natural resource! After office worker Ryoma Takebayashi dies, three gods ask for his help and reincarnate him as a child in a parallel fantasy world. Ryoma enjoys his slow new life of patiently taming and researching slime, but after three years of living alone in the forest, he meets a kind duke and his entourage. Together, they journey to faraway towns, where Ryoma meets his patron gods again! And from them, he learns that the duke and his family are descended from former Earthlings just like Ryoma himself!
In English, translated from the Japanese. 1 17 19 20
1646090810 9781646090815
Accession Number:
Accession Number:
Branch: Main Library - Young Adult Area
Call Number: ROY
Branch: John's Island Library - Young Adult Area
Call Number: ROY
Branch: Baxter Patrick James Island Library - Young Adult Area
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