Summary: "The three girls formed an indelible bond: roaming their community in search of hidden treasures for their "Thing Finder box, " and hiding under the dining room table, eavesdropping as three generations of relatives gossiped and played the numbers. The girls spent countless afternoons together, ice skating in the nearby Lake Meadows apartment complex, swimming in the pool at the Ida B. Wells housing project, and daydreaming of their futures: Dawn a writer, Debra a doctor, Kim a teacher. Then they came to a precipice, a fraught rite of passage for all girls when the dangers and the harsh realities of the world burst the innocent bubble of childhood, when the choices they made could-- and would-- have devastating consequences. There was a razor thin margin of error -- especially for brown girls. With a keen investigative eye and intimate detail, Dawn chronicles the dramatic turns that send their lives careening in very different -- and shocking -- directions over the decades. The result is a powerful tour de force on the complex interplay of race and opportunity, class and womanhood and how those forces shape our lives and our capacity for resilience and redemption"-- Provided by publisher.
1 2 4 5 7 10 17 19 22
9781982107703 1982107707
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Branch: Main Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: John L. Dart Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: John's Island Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: St. Andrews Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: Otranto Road Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: West Ashley Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: Wando Mount Pleasant Library - Biography Area
Call Number: TURNER
Branch: Baxter Patrick James Island Library - Biography Area
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