Summary: "In this second installment of the Gunnie Rose series, Lizbeth Rose is hired onto a new crew for a seemingly easy protection job, transporting a crate into Dixie, just about the last part of the former United States of America she wants to visit. But what seemed like a straight-forward job turns into a massacre as the crate is stolen. Up against a wall in Dixie, where social norms have stepped back into the last century, Lizbeth has to go undercover with an old friend to retrieve the crate as what's inside can spark a rebellion, if she can get it back in time"-- Provided by publisher.
1 2 3 4 5 17 19 20 21 22
9781481494953 9781982164591 198216459X
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Branch: Main Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: HARRIS
Branch: John's Island Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: HARRIS
Branch: St. Andrews Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: HARRIS
Branch: Dorchester Road Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: HARRIS
Branch: Otranto Road Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: HARRIS
Branch: Wando Mount Pleasant Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: HARRIS
Branch: Baxter Patrick James Island Library - Fiction Area
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