Summary: "Draw near and listen, or else time is at an end. --The watering holes of the Plain are drying up, the fearsome fanghorn grow more numerous, and bad omens abound. Wulfgar, a leader of the Altaii people, must contend with twin queens, warlords, prophets and magic in hopes of protecting his people and securing their future. Elspeth, a visitor from another world, holds the answers, but first Wulfgar must learn to ask the right questions.--But what if the knowledge that saves the Altaii will also destroy them?" -- Amazon.
"A Tom Doherty Associates book." 2 4 5 14 17 19 20
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Branch: John's Island Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: JORDAN
Branch: St. Andrews Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: JORDAN
Branch: Dorchester Road Library - Fiction Area
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Branch: Otranto Road Library - Fiction Area
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Branch: Baxter Patrick James Island Library - Fiction Area
Call Number: JORDAN
Branch: St. Paul's / Hollywood Library - Fiction Area
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Branch: Bees Ferry West Ashley Library - Fiction Area
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