Summary: In the first of two stories, zombie goldfish Frankie is good at saving the day, but the medieval day reenactment joust may be too much, and in the second story, Tom's evil brother clones a Jurassic carp, putting the school in danger.
Content Notes:
The knight night -- Jurassic carp.
740L Lexile 1 3 4 10 17 19 20 22
9781250063571 1250063574
Accession Number:
Accession Number:
Accession Number:
Branch: West Ashley Library - Children's Area
Call Number: O'HARA
Branch: John's Island Library - Children's Area
Call Number: O'HARA
Branch: Otranto Road Library - Children's Area
Call Number: O'HARA
Branch: Wando Mount Pleasant Library - Children's Area
Call Number: O'HARA
Branch: Wando Mount Pleasant Library - Children's Area
Call Number: O'HARA
Branch: Baxter Patrick James Island Library - Children's Area
Call Number: O'HARA
Branch: Bees Ferry West Ashley Library - Children's Area
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