Abstract: California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) was awarded a five-year grant, "Puedes! Caminos, Cariño, y Carreras in a Post-Pandemic Era", that began in Fall 2022, to support educational opportunity and attainment of Hispanic students. Guided by the program goals, Year 1 activities demonstrated effective project operations on multiple fronts, including offering (1) Lending Library Services, (2) College Corps Opportunities, (3) Learning-Aligned Employment Mentoring, (4) Dual Enrollments, (5) Summer Bridge (or CSUB Puente!), (6) InsideTrack Coaching, (7) Development of Transfer Agreement across K-16 pipelines, (8) Quarterly Presentations at Advisory Board Meetings, and (9) Professional Development in Advanced Inclusive Mentoring (AIM), Guaranteed 4.0 Learning Systems (G4.0), Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) Training, Basic Needs Ambassador (BNA) Workshop, and High-Impact Practices (HIPs) Summer Institute. Assessment findings are analyzed in this report to document the project performance and unexpected challenges. The evaluation results led to three recommendations in the Conclusion section for Year 2. The information gathering follows a well-established "Context," "Input," "Process," and "Product" (CIPP) paradigm, and the result reporting conforms to the "utility," "feasibility," "propriety," and "accuracy" standards of program evaluation.
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