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The Changing Role of County Offices of Education: Survey Results
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Policy Analysis for California Education, PACE. 520 Galvez Mall, CERAS Room 401, Stanford, CA 94305-3001. Tel: 650-724-2832; Fax: 510-642-9148; e-mail:
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- Abstract:
In this brief we summarize findings from three surveys that sought to learn how county offices of education (COEs) are changing in response to the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and the Statewide System of Support (SSS). COEs have been assigned critically important responsibilities in the implementation of these initiatives, and our survey results suggest that most county superintendents are strongly supportive of the state's new policy direction. They are increasingly aware of the scale of change that will have to occur to fully implement the LCFF and the SSS, both in the organization and operation of their own COEs and in their relationships with other agencies, and they recognize that full implementation remains a work in progress.
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