Abstract: Though there are at least 12.4 million community college students, accounting for 44% of all undergraduates within the United States (Cohen & Brawer, 2008), little academic research has explored the mental health needs of community college students as a distinct population ( Floyd, 2003; Townsend & LaPaglia, 2000; Townsend, Donaldson, & Wilson, 2009). This study explores the mental health needs and issues facing community college students by comparing the responses of community college students in California and traditional university students in California on relevant questions of the spring 2010 ACHA-NCHA II survey. MANOVA were used to examine overall group differences on four multicomponent questions, followed by pairwise comparisons examining individual items. Findings indicate that the groups differ significantly in reported diagnosis and treatment for psychiatric disorders. Traditional university students reported two disorders more frequently: anxiety and depression. Community college students reported five disorders more frequently: bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse or addiction, and "other addictions." The groups also differ significantly in reported symptoms and feelings related to mental health issues. Traditional university students more frequently reported five items: overwhelmed, exhausted, very lonely, very sad, and overwhelming anxiety. Community college students more frequently reported five items: feeling hopeless, overwhelming anger, self-harm, seriously considered suicide, and attempted suicide. Additionally, the groups differ significantly in mental health information received from their school, with traditional university students reporting they received significantly more information than community college students on all but one topic. The groups also differ significantly in reported interest in receiving information about mental health issues. Traditional university students reported more interest in eight of the eleven topics. For both groups the most frequently reported items were stress reduction, followed by sleep difficulties. Clinical implications of these findings are explored. Both traditional universities and community colleges would likely benefit from increased resources devoted to mental health concerns. However, community colleges are especially in need. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page: http://www.proquest.com/en-US/products/dissertations/individuals.shtml.]
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