Examinations in Mathematics Other than Those Set by the Teacher for His Own Classes. International Commission on the Teaching of Mathematics, The American Report, Committee No. VII. Bulletin, 1911, No. 8. Whole Number 454

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      United States Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior.
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      High Schools
      Higher Education
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    • Abstract:
      The proportion of school children and other students in the United States who are required to take examinations other than those set by the teacher for his own classes is exceedingly small. Except in New York State, where a considerable number of children in the elementary and secondary schools are accustomed to taking examinations set by the State education department, almost the only examinations of the kind are those set by a small number of colleges and by the college entrance examination-board at the point of transition from the secondary school to the college. Notwithstanding the fact that only a very small proportion of the school children in the United States are examined for admission to college, college admission examinations constitute one of the most powerful influences bearing upon the work of the secondary schools. Teachers in the secondary schools in every part of the United States recognize in the examinations set for admission to college a concrete illustration of generally accepted standards; and institutions like the college entrance examination board are in constant receipt of communications, asking that, by means of the examinations, an attempt be made to influence the methods of teaching various subjects. It has been urged by eminent educators in the United States that the requirements for graduation from the secondary school and the requirements for admission to the college should be made identical. If this be a true educational principle, its application certainly cannot mean that the colleges should be compelled to make their requirements for admission conform to standards determined wholly by the secondary schools. It also seems that it would be quite as unreasonable that the secondary schools should be compelled to make their standards of work conform to requirements established by the colleges, without consideration of the conditions actually existing in the secondary schools. When the college entrance examination board was organized in 1900, the principle of cooperation was made fundamental. The board represents not only a cooperative effort on the part of a large number of colleges and universities, but also a cooperation between the colleges on the one hand the secondary schools on the other hand, in respect to a matter of vital importance to both. The most important immediate benefit derived by the secondary schools from the operations of the college entrance examination board is the possibility of unity in class work. Perhaps the greatest and most far-reaching effect of the examinations of the board, however, will ultimately be the raising of the standards of work in the secondary schools, as these standards are higher than those set by most individual schools. This bulletin deals specifically with examinations in mathematics and the numerous questions that have arisen regarding the nature and extent of these examinations, such as, by whom are they given, to what extent are they a factor in determining promotion, how valuable are they as a basis for promotion, and are teachers more particular about promotion in mathematics than in other school studies. An index is included. [Best copy available has been provided.]
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