This is a Spanish adaptation of the English version of the book, "Brainworks: From Birth to Kindergarten. The book is to be used with a multimedia presentation that is available on computer diskette. The book and multimedia presentation are designed to help parents and childcare providers understand the concept of early exposure and exploration that is followed by increased development of synaptic connections and ultimately prepares children to handle preschool and kindergarten school work. Topics discussed in the book are: the developing brain; the enriched environment, programs specializing in early intervention; and kindergarten readiness. A checklist for parents concerning quality care and preschool, a glossary of relevant terms, and a list of recommendations for implementing ideas presented within the book are included. (MKA)
Translated in part from "BrainWorks: Birth to Kindergarten," by Joyce L. Goss and Maria E. Fisicaro, 1999; see ED 433 486.
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