Comparaison des strategies discursives d'etayage dans un conte et un recit d'experiences oraux (Comparison of Scaffolding Discourse Strategies in an Oral Story and Personal Narrative).
This study compared different strategies (questions, comments, reformulations, and repetitions) used by an adult in dialogue with 17 language impaired and 24 control preschool children. Two types of co-production (a tale and a personal account) were analyzed. The stability of the distribution of the various strategies in both situations is seen as the sign of the stability of the interaction. Results for each strategy in each situation are described and interpreted. It is concluded that the multi-functionality of the four strategies is the sign of difference in managing the enunciative positions, according to the group of children and the children's ages. Contains 29 references. (Author/MSE)
In: Language, etayage et interactions therapeutiques: Actes du 5eme colloque d'orthophonie/logopedie (Language, Scaffolding and Therepeutic Interactions: Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium on Speech Therapy and Speech Pathology) (Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 25-26, 1998); see FL 025 722.
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