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Your Child's Growing Mind: A Guide to Learning and Brain Development from Birth to Adolescence. Revised.
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- Author(s): Healy, Jane M.
- Language:
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Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036; phone: 800-323-9872; fax: 800-233-3294 (U.S., $12.95; Canada, $17.95).
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- Abstract:
Noting that understanding a child's brain and the way it develops is the key to understanding learning, this book explores the relationship between brain physiology and children's learning processes. The book first translates the most current scientific theories on nervous-system development into practical information for parents. It then details how children develop language and memory, and addresses academic learning--reading, writing, spelling, and mathematics. The book also cautions against early pressure on children to read, and provides scientifically documented refutation of the "superbaby" myth. The chapters are: (1) "Opening the 'Black Box'" on the importance of understanding brain development; (2) "Infancy: Creating the Foundations of Intelligence"; (3) "Children's Brains at Work: From Nursery to Schoolroom"; (4) "If the Train is Late, Will We Miss the Boat?: Developmental Timetables and Learning to Pay Attention"; (5) "Childhood into Adolescence: Furnishing the Adult Mind"; (6) "'A Path to the Future': Hemispheres, Learning Styles, Handedness, and Gender Differences"; (7) "'Do Pigs have Wishbones?': Unfolding Language"; (8) "Tools for Learning: Intelligence, Memory, and Motivation"; (9) "Children Read with their Brains"; (10) "Thinking on Paper: Writing and Spelling"; (11) "Parts into Wholes: Building Math and Science Skills"; and (12) "The Toolshed Muse: Creative Minds in Process." The selected bibliography contains 165 references, divided by chapter. (HTH)
- Publication Date:
- Accession Number:
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