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Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling, 1992.
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- Author(s): Hatherleigh Co., Ltd., New York, NY.
- Language:
- Source:
Directions in Rehabilitation Counseling. Jan-Dec 1992 3(1-12).
- Publication Date:
- Document Type:
Guides - Classroom - Learner
Collected Works - Serials
- Additional Information
- Availability:
The Hatherleigh Company, Ltd., 420 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022 (members: $145 one year, $275 two years, $375 three years; non-members contact publisher).
- Peer Reviewed:
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- Subject Terms:
- Abstract:
This volume of 12 separate lessons--each written by either a medical or mental health professional--provides expert information on a wide variety of medical and psychological issues in rehabilitative counseling. The lessons, each of which concludes with a few multiple-choice questions, are as follows: (1) "Adaptive Styles in the Etiology of Depression" (Peter C. Whybrow); (2) "Stress in the Workplace" (Gerald A. Kraines); (3) "Women and Alcoholism" (Edward Rabinowitz); (4) "Advances in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: A Therapist's Guide" (Robert L. DuPont and Keith E. Saylor); (5) "Rehabilitation Counseling with the Criminal Offender in the Community Setting" (Jay R. Stewart); (6) "Co-Dependence: A New Diagnosis" (Robert L. DuPont and John P. McGovern); (7) "Evaluating the Deaf Client" (John Misiaszek and Jenifer George Misiaszek); (8) "AIDS: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management" (Robert A. MacGuffie and Karen J. MacGuffie); (9) "Vocational Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia" (Cecile Mackota and H. Richard Lamb); (10) "Private-Sector Rehabilitation" (Ruth Torkelson Lynch and Ross K. Lynch); (11) "Rehabilitation Counseling with Members of Minority Populations" (Paul Leung); and (12) "Improved Detoxification from Drugs and Alcohol through Nutrition" (Jeffrey S. Bland). (Contains an index. Each lesson contains references.) (RJM)
- Publication Date:
- Accession Number:
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