Važnost i prihvaćanje dugoročne terapije kisikom.

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    • Alternate Title:
      Importance and acceptance of long-term oxygen therapy.
    • Abstract:
      INTRODUCTION: The importance and acceptance of long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) has a significant role in patients with lung diseases. A nurse must possess knowledge how to administer oxygen therapy properly in order to provide high quality nursing care. The administration of oxygen is the most important measure in the treatment, but an inappropriate administration can cause undesirable complications. OBJECTIVE: While applying LTOT, a nurse will be able to: (1) to recognize the signs of hypoxia, a change in mental status and identify abnormal values in arterial blood gas analysis (2) administer the oxygen therapy without any adverse consequences for a patient. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: Disorders of gas exchange, ventilation and perfusion in the pulmonary patients lead to increased concentrations of PaCO2 and/or lowering of the level of PaO2. It is important to monitor and record the signs of hypoxia, mental status and change in arterial blood gas analysis in order to estimate the respiratory condition. Patient education is a common element in pulmonary rehabilitation and it consists of learning how to: reduce risk factors, take drugs regularly, minimize episodes of dyspnea, recognize and treat complications when using LTOT. RESULTS/DISCUSSION: A nurse can recognize: changes in arterial blood gas analysis, signs of hypoxia and she administers the oxygen therapy properly. CONCLUSION: The most important segment is to train a patient and his family to administer LTOT properly. Recommendations to the patient are: develop and adhere to the action plan and eliminate all the factors that lead to the impairment of the underlying disease. It is important to emphasize the need for regular follow-ups, the need to follow the signs and symptoms of exacerbation of the underlying disease and to report to the relevant medical institution on time. By improving the knowledge of a lung patient about how to administer LTOT, we increase the chance of survival, reduce the consequences arising from a lack of oxygen to the vital organs and improve the quality of life. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      UVOD: Važnost i prihvaćanje dugoročne terapije kisikom (LTOT) ima značajnu ulogu kod pacijenata s plućnim bolestima. Za kvalitetnu zdravstvenu njegu medicinska sestra mora imati znanje o pravilnoj primjeni terapije kisikom. Primjena kisika je najvažnija mjera u liječenju, ali neadekvatna primjena može uzrokovati nepoželjne komplikacije. CILJ: U primjeni LTOT med. sestra znati će: 1) prepoznati znakove hipoksije, promjene u mentalnom statusu i prepoznati abnormalne vrijednosti u plinskoj analizi arterijske krvi (PAAK); 2) primijeniti terapiju kisikom bez štetnih posljedica za pacijenta. TEORIJSKI OKVIR: Poremećaji izmjene plinova, ventilacije i perfuzije u plućnih pacijenata dovode do povećanja koncentracije PaCO2 i/ili smanjenja razine PaO2. Za procjenu respiratornog stanja važno je pratiti i bilježiti znakove hipoksije, mentalnog statusa i promjene u PAAK. Edukacija pacijenta je rutinski segment u plućnoj rehabilitaciji, a sastoji se od učenja kako: reducirati faktore rizika, redovito primjenjivati lijekova, minimalizirati epizode dispnee, prepoznati i liječiti komplikacije kod primjene LTOT. REZULTATI/RASPRAVA: Med. sestra prepoznaje promjene u PAAK-u, znakove hipoksije i pravilno primjenjuje terapiju kisikom. ZAKLJUČAK: Najvažniji segment je edukacija pacijenta i njegove obitelji u pravilnu primjenu LTOT. Preporuke pacijentu su: izraditi i pridržavati se plana aktivnosti i eliminirati sve čimbenike koji dovode do pogoršanja osnovne bolesti. Naglasiti potrebu za redovitim kontrolnim pregledima, pratiti znakove i simptome pogoršanja osnovne bolesti i na vrijeme se javiti u nadležnu zdravstvenu ustanovu. Povećanjem znanja pulmološkog pacijenta u primjenu LTOT, povećavamo mogućnost preživljavanja, smanjujemo posljedice uslijed nedostatka kisika u vitalnim organima i povećavamo kvalitetu života. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
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