Vælgerne og Europa-Parlamentsvalg: Landspolitisk valgvind og stærke spidskandidater. (Danish)

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  • Additional Information
    • Alternate Title:
      Voters and the European Parliament: The Importance of National Politics and Strong Candidates. (English)
    • Abstract:
      Danish European Parliament Elections are interesting for electoral researchers since the party system and the electoral rules differ from other Danish elections. This article examines the overall distribution of votes, changes in voting behavior across elections, and voting for a specific candidate to European Parliament Elections. Historically, the distribution of votes has differed substantially from Danish national elections though this difference has diminished in the last two elections due to the weakening support for the anti-EU movements and a normalization of the Social Democrats' support. The volatility between elections is larger than for national elections, and changes in party support are to a large extent explained by changes in national level party support and the strength of the leading party candidate. Finally, the analysis of preferential voting shows that female candidates more often performs better at elections than their placement on the list would suggest when we compare them to male candidates. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Danske Europa-Parlamentsvalg er interessante i en valgforskningssammenhæng, da partisystemet og valgsystemet er forskellige fra øvrige danske valg. Artiklen undersøger den overordnede stemmefordeling, vælgervandringer samt den personlige stemmeafgivning til Europa-Parlamentsvalget i 1979-2009. Stemmefordelingen til Europa-Parlamentsvalg har historisk set været væsentlig forskellig fra folketingsvalg, om end denne forskel er blevet mindsket de to seneste valg grundet nej-bevægelsernes tilbagegang samt en normalisering af Socialdemokratiets opbakning. Volatiliteten fra valg til valg er større end til folketingsvalg, og ændringerne forklares i høj grad af den landspolitiske valgvind, som ved EP-valg slår halvt igennem, samt styrken af spidskandidaterne, der har nogenlunde samme effekt som valgvinden. Endelig viser analysen af de personlige stemmer ved EP-valg, at kvindelige kandidater oftere går frem i forhold til deres listeplacering, når vi sammenligner med mandlige kandidater. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
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