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      Prompted by the completion of the second volume of Stipetić's book POVIJEST HRVATSKE EKONOMSKE MISLI (1848.-1968.) [History of Croatian Economic Thought (1848-1968)], which was published by the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb in September 2013, the author of this work assesses the significance of Stipetić's research and his contributions to the formation of the history of Croatian economic thought as a separate and new scholarly discipline. Together with Stipetić's first volume, POVIJEST HRVATSKE EKONOMSKE MISLI (1298.- 1847.) [History of Croatian Economic Thought (1298-1847)] published in Zagreb in 2001, this book forms a complete and capital work that describes the historical circumstances, ascents, breaks, growth and declines in economic thought in the territory of today's Republic of Croatia, beginning with the end of the thirteenth and running to the mid-twentieth century. Thanks to Stipetić's work, the Croats have joined the Serbs, Russians and other nations which, in addition to general history, also created and studied a separate branch, i.e., the national history of economic thought. In this study, the author first distinguishes between economic thought (as a wider concept) and economic scholarship (as a narrower concept) and the processes of canonization and decanonization of economic doctrines. After this, he describes in detail the constitutive methodological and pragmatic questions whereby a new scholarly discipline is constituted (in this case economic history). In this context, he describes the motives and objectives of the study of certain (in this case Croatia) national histories of economic thought, and the process of creating a historical consciousness and the formation of lessons from the economic past and economic thought.The author additionally describes Stipetić's research into the economic systems and economic policies implemented in the Republic of Croatia from 1980 to 2005. He stresses that Stipetić joins in the criticism of neoliberalism and its policies of privatization and free markets (laissez-faire policies) which were implemented in Croatia at a time of transition and yielded negative results, i.e., a major economic crisis. In his conclusion, the author points out that the current crisis situation in the economic systems and economic policies of Croatia and similar small, so-called transition countries cannot be understood without an examination of the history of economic thought, macroeconomics and modern schools of political economic thought and their influence on political parties, governments, educational systems and public opinion. He stresses that the study of the general and national history of economic thought may serve as a useful guide and compass on the marketplace of ideas, scholarly knowledge and policies. The previous negative historical experiences of transition in Croatia and similar small Balkan countries show that the neoliberal school and its free market policies should be discarded by governments and replaced with Keynesianism or some other policy that would encourage employment and economic growth over the short term. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      U povodu završetka drugog sveska Stipetićeve knjige POVIJEST HRVATSKE EKONOMSKE MISLI (1848.-1968.), koju je (u rujnu 2013.) objavio Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu, autor u ovom radu procjenjuje značaj Stipetićevih istraživanja i njegove doprinose konstituiranju povijesti hrvatske ekonomske misli kao posebne i nove znanstvene discipline. Zajedno sa prvim sveskom Stipetićeve POVIJESTI HRVATSKE EKONOMSKE MISLI (1298.-1847.) koji je objavljen u Zagrebu 2001., ova knjiga čini jednu cjelinu i kapitalno djelo u kojem se na jednom mjestu opusuju povjesni uvjeti nastajanja, usponi, zastoji, razvoj i padovi ekonomske misli na teritoriju današnje Republike Hrvatske, počevši od konca XIII do sredine XX stoljeća. Sa ovim Stipetićevim djelom Hrvati su se priključili Srbima, Rusima i drugim narodima , koji pored opće kreiraju i izučavaju posebnu, tj. nacionalnu povijest ekonomske misli.U ovoj studiji autor najprije razgraničava ekonomsku misao (kao širi) i ekonomsku znanost (kao uži pojam) te procese kanonizacije i dekanonizacije ekonomskih doktrina. Nakon toga on detaljno opisuje konstitutivna metodološka i pragmatična pitanja preko kojih se konstituira neka nova (u ovom slučaju ekonomsko-povijesna ) znanstvena disciplina. U tom kontekstu autor opisuje motive i ciljeve studija neke (u ovom slučaju hrvatske) nacionalne povjesti ekonomske misli, zatim proces stvaranja historijske svijesti i formiranje pouka iz prošlosti ekonomije i ekonomske misli. Pored toga, autor opisuje Stipetićeva istraživanja ekonomskog sistema i ekonomske politike koja je u RH vođena u razdoblju od 1980. do 2005. On ističe da se Stipetić pridružuje kritici neoliberalizma i njegove politike privatizacije i slobodnog tržišta (politika Laissez-faire-a) koja je, u vrijeme tranzicije, vođena u RH i proizvela negativne rezultate, odnosno veliku ekonomsku krizu. U zaključku autor ističe da se sadašnje krizno stanje ekonomskog sistema i ekonomske politike u Hrvatskoj i sličnim malim tzv. tranzicijskim zemljama, ne može razumjeti bez studija povijesti ekonomske misli, makroekonomije i modernih škola ekonomsko-političkog mišljenja te njihovog utjecaja na političke stranke, vlade, sistem obrazovanja i javno mnijenje. Naglašava da se studij opće i nacionalne povijesti ekonomske misli može koristiti kao vodič i kompas na tržištu ideja, znanstvenih znanja i politika. Dosadašnja negativna povjesna iskustva tranzicije u RH i sličnim malim balkanskim zemljama, pokazuju da neoliberalnu školu i njenu politiku slobodnog tržišta, vlade trebaju napustiti i zamijeniti sa keynesianskom ili nekom trećom politikom koja, u kratkom roku, potiče zaposlenost i ekonomski rast. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Copyright of Transition: Journal of Economic & Politics of Transition / Tranzicija: Časopis za Ekonomiju i Politiku Tranzicije is the property of Ekonomski Institut Tuzla and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)