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      Besides the formal administration, there is a parallel form of government in Italy with the power to influence all political, social and economic processes of the country. This is the Italian mafia whose biggest advantage in comparison to the other forms of organized crime is its connection to the State based on a system of mutual favors. Relations with the State form the basis of mafia power providing it not only protection from legal prosecution, but also the ability to influence various political decisions that facilitate the entry of the mafia in the legal sectors of Italian economy and make it possible for it to drain its resources in order to increase mafia's capital and launder money gained by illegal activities. Accustomed to its presence in all political and economic areas, the society itself perceives mafia as a form of government just as strong or maybe even stronger than the State, which raises additional question, the one about another possible thesis according to which the mafia in Italy presents full power. Also, blurred boundaries between the mafia and politics enable the thesis according to which the mafia and the government in Italy are actually the same thing. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Uz formalnu političku vlast koja vodi državu, u Italiji postoji i jedan paralelni oblik vlast koji ima moć utjecati na sve političke, gospodarske i društvene procese u zemlji. Riječ je o talijanskoj mafiji čija je najveća prednost u odnosu na ostale vrste organiziranog kriminala njena povezanost s državom koja se temelji na sistemu međusobnih usluga i čini osnovu mafijaške moći. U tom smislu bitna je ne samo zaštita od kaznenog progona koju joj te veze pružaju, već i mogućnost utjecaja na različite političke odluke koje mafiji olakšavaju ulazak u legalne sektore talijanskog gospodarstva i crpljenje njegovih sredstava u svrhu povećanja svog kapitala i pranja novca stečenog ilegalnim aktivnostima. Naviknut na njen prisutnost na svim političkim i gospodarskim područjima, i sâm narod mafiju doživljava kao oblik vlasti, jednako jak ili čak jači od onog državnog, čime se otvara pitanje o još jednoj mogućoj tezi po kojoj mafija u državi predstavlja potpunu vlast. Također, nejasn granice između mafije i politike u Italiji čine mogućom i tezu prema kojoj su mafija i država u Italiji zapravo jedno. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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