Fruit quality of dog rose seedlings (Rosa canina L). (English)

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    • Alternate Title:
      Kakvoća plodova sjemenjaka pasje ruže (Rosa canina L). (Croatian)
    • Subject Terms:
    • Abstract:
      A dog rose (Rosa canina L) is one of the most widespread wild species of the genus Rosa in our country, and fairly represented in the natural, rural and even urban areas. Although in the world a dog roses are studied, cultivated and refined, in Croatia its cultivation almost does not exists. In nature you can see major differences between plants, especially considering the size of the fruit, often in very small habitats. The study was conducted at 8 rose dog bushes at about 1 ha of abandoned experimental field 'Jazbina' in Zagreb. From each plant, 120 fruits were randomly collected at a technological maturity. The average fresh fruit weight ranged from 1.88 to 2.96 g, the average fresh flesh portion from 65.4 to 74.7 % and the average dry flesh matter content (after drying at 105 °C), in relation to the fresh fruit weight, from 22.9 to 28.6 %. The length, width, thickness, and shape of the fruits were significantly different (P≤0.05). Since plants were grown in uniform climatic and edaphic conditions, it can be concluded that a relatively large phenotypic, and probably the genotypic variability of dog rose plants exists in such a small location. With the reasonable assumption that the Croatian territory has a lot of similar dog rose habitats, the results of this study indicate a rich genetic potential of dog rose, which could be used for initial selection of plants with superior characteristics intended to be introduced in cultivation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Pasja ruža (Rosa canina L) jedna je od najraširenijih samoniklih pripadnika roda Rosa u našoj zemlji, te prilično zastupljena u prirodnim, ruralnim pa i urbanim područjima. Iako se u svijetu pasja ruža proučava, uzgaja i oplemenjuje, u Hrvatskoj njezin uzgoj gotovo i ne postoji. U prirodi se mogu uočiti velike razlike medu biljkama, posebno s obzirom na veličinu plodova, često i na vrlo malim staništima. Istraživanje je provedeno na 8 grmova pasjih ruža na oko 1 ha zapuštene poljoprivredne površine pokušališta 'Jazbina' u Zagrebu. Po 120 plodova u tehnološkoj zriobi nasumično je ubrano sa svakog grma. Prosječna masa ploda kretala se od 1,88 do 2,96 g, a prosječni udio svježeg mesa u plodovima od 65,4 do 74,7 %. Prosječni udio suhe tvari mesa (nakon sušenja na 105°C) u odnosu na težinu svježeg ploda varirao je od 22,9 do 28,6 %. Plodovi istraživanih biljaka statistički su se razlikovali (P≤0,05) po dimenzijama (duljina, širina, debljina), i obliku, a kako su biljke rasle u ujednačenim klimatskim i edafskim uvjetima može se zaključiti da na ovom malom lokalitetu postoji razmjerno velika fenotipska, a time vjerojatno i genotipska varijabilnost biljaka pasje ruže. Uz opravdanu pretpostavku da na području Republike Hrvatske ima mnogo sličnih staništa pasje ruže, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju na bogati genetski potencijal pasje ruže koji bi se mogao iskoristiti za početnu selekciju biljaka superiornih svojstava namijenjenih uvodenju u kulturu. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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