[Vaginal foam--an alternative to contraceptives].

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  • Author(s): Barlinn AJ; Hagbard L
  • Source:
    Lakartidningen [Lakartidningen] 1968 Mar 13; Vol. 65 (11), pp. 1113-9.
  • Publication Type:
    English Abstract; Journal Article
  • Language:
  • Additional Information
    • Transliterated Title:
      Vaginalskum--ett alternativ för antikonception.
    • Source:
      Publisher: Sveriges Lakarforbund Country of Publication: Sweden NLM ID: 0027707 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0023-7205 (Print) Linking ISSN: 00237205 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Lakartidningen Subsets: MEDLINE
    • Publication Information:
      Original Publication: Stockholm : Sveriges Lakarforbund
    • Subject Terms:
    • Contributed Indexing:
      Indexing Agency: PIP Local ID #: 680390. Indexing Agency: POP Local ID #: 00022621.
      Keywords: Acceptor Characteristics*; Acceptors; Age Factors*; Contraception; Contraceptive Agents--side effects; Contraceptive Effectiveness; Contraceptive Methods--side effects; Contraceptive Usage; Demographic Factors; Evaluation*; Family Planning; Family Planning Programs; Follow-up Studies*; Method Acceptability*; Population; Population Characteristics; Research Methodology; Spermicidal Contraceptive Agents--side effects*; Studies; Use-effectiveness*; Vaginal Foam--side effects*; Vaginal Spermicides--side effects
      Local Abstract: [PIP] In 1964 a pilot study was undertaken in Sweden to determine the effe ctiveness of the vaginal foam contraception method using 225 20-40 year old women showing no abnormalities of the genital sphere and wishing to use a contraceptive. 100 were given Ekmo's vaginal foam (Series E) and 125 were given Delfen (Series D); both products are sperm-killing aeroso ls. The administration technique was carefully explained to each woman. The results of a 1966 questionnaire survey indicated that 15 of the 93 respondents given Delfen had not used the foam and 8 of the 84 given Ekmo had never used the product; the results thus comprise 1593 cycles in 154 women. The uncorrected pregnancy rate was 6.8/100 years; further study showed a 2.2 pregnancy frequency rate. A small but nonsignificant difference was found between Delfen and Ekmo. There have been very few vaginal foam studies reported for Europe, but the results obtained in this study compare favorably with those from other parts of the world. Other results show that 1) vaginal foam changed the libido in only 10 cases; 2) 54 found the foam "smeary," with 13 having some type of difficulty such as burns; 3) 101 women found the foam effective and wanted to continue using it, while 50 did not trust the method, and 44 wanted to change the method; and 4) 93 women and 60 men found the method better than those previously used. It is concluded that vaginal foam can be a good alternative for 1) young (especially 20 and younger) nulliparous women; 2) women over 40; and 3) women who cannot, will not, and should not use oral contraceptives or spiral IUDs.
    • Accession Number:
      0 (Contraceptive Agents)
    • Publication Date:
      Date Created: 19680313 Date Completed: 19700906 Latest Revision: 20041117
    • Publication Date:
    • Accession Number: