Abstract: Background: The word health has different meaning for a old person where possibly you are enough in the make that self-served people and different meaning for one young athletic individual that connects the situation of health with his natural situation. Aim: Objective of present inquiring work is the investigation of perceptions and convictions of elderly population individuals on issues hygiene in the community and the study of existing situation of their health. Material and Method : Were studied 100 residents (50% male and 50% female) age 40 until 92 years, in the municipality of Sarantaporo. The research was focused in individuals that were included in the program "help in the house" that financed by national resources and the European Union. The individuals that were studied were mainly over-aged, at majority farmers, with similar social occupations and alimentary habits. For the collection of data was used individual questionnaire 23 closed bisecting and open questions that were supplemented with the method of personal interview. At the same time were determined fourteen biochemists parameters, as glucose (GLU), urea (UREA), triglycerides (TG), cholesterol (CHOL), uric acid (UA), creatinine (CREA), hepatic ferments (AST, ALT and GGT), alkaline phosphates (ALP), the iron (Fe), total proteins (TP) and albumins (ALB). The research was realised at the time period 2006-2007. the treatment of data became with the use of statistical parcel of STATISTICA 7.0 for Windows. Results: Up to today analysis of data it showed that the age of individuals were 68.3±12.5 years, their height 1.68±0.07 metres, their weight 75.6±11.6 kilos, their systolic pressure 141±20 and their diastolic pressure 104±22 mmHg. Indicatively, we report that the 33% of individuals were diagnosed hypertension, 10% diabetics and the 30% had cardiologic problems this elements do not agree with the data that were recorded in the questionnaires, that show that in their overwhelming majority the individuals that were studied were hypertension . Also, the 68% asking consider that the situation of their health is good, showing the size of problem that exists in this individuals, that are unable they conceive the precise situation of their health. Besides we report that the 8% asking were smoked, the 6% were drunk one or two drinks the day, the 18% were in place it reads, the 84% it watched television, the 24% it heard radio, the 76% it had good appetite for food, the 40% it only had problem with insomnia but the 2% it took some pharmaceutical pill in order to sleep. The problems of health that faces the served population are also confirmed by the prices of determined biochemical parameters (medium variables ± SD): GLU (107±54), UREA (48.5±20.3), TG (141±52), CHOL (207±50), UA (5.7±1.9), CREA (2.12±5.50) (mg / dl), AST (20±10), ALT (25±24), GGT (45±98), ALP (88±38) (IU / L), Fe (77±29) (m g / dl), TP (6.9±0.7) and ALB (4.4±0.5) (g / dl). We observe that the prices of above parameters, in very a lot of cases, are found except the physiologic prices, and while certain biochemists parameters, for certain individuals, are particular increased. Conclusions: The present study shows that the old individuals of this region face big problems with regard to the knowledge of situation of their health, being unable many times they conceive the gravity of such subjects. The geographic isolation, the low level of education, the traditional perceptions and habits, the lack of briefing by some valid institution, lead this individual to error opinions and solutions to problems of health that by any chance they face. Consequently, are necessary the continuous researches for the recording of problems and the determination of situation of health of individuals that live in isolated geographically regions, far from urban centres. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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