Measuring vection: a review and critical evaluation of different methods for quantifying illusory self-motion.

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    • Source:
      Publisher: Springer Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101244316 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1554-3528 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 1554351X NLM ISO Abbreviation: Behav Res Methods Subsets: MEDLINE
    • Publication Information:
      Publication: 2010- : New York : Springer
      Original Publication: Austin, Tex. : Psychonomic Society, c2005-
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    • Abstract:
      The sensation of self-motion in the absence of physical motion, known as vection, has been scientifically investigated for over a century. As objective measures of, or physiological correlates to, vection have yet to emerge, researchers have typically employed a variety of subjective methods to quantify the phenomenon of vection. These measures can be broadly categorized into the occurrence of vection (e.g., binary choice yes/no), temporal characteristics of vection (e.g., onset time/latency, duration), the quality of the vection experience (e.g., intensity rating scales, magnitude estimation), or indirect (e.g., distance travelled) measures. The present review provides an overview and critical evaluation of the most utilized vection measures to date and assesses their respective merit. Furthermore, recommendations for the selection of the most appropriate vection measures will be provided to assist with the process of vection research and to help improve the comparability of research findings across different vection studies.
      (© 2023. The Author(s).)
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    • Grant Information:
      DE210101623 Australian Research Council
    • Contributed Indexing:
      Keywords: Binary choice; Chronometric; Distance travelled; Magnitude estimation; Measurement; Rating scales; Self-motion; Two-alternative forced choice
    • Publication Date:
      Date Created: 20230627 Date Completed: 20240405 Latest Revision: 20240815
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