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      Croatian Institute of Occupational Medicine has made an analysis of the strains that may cause occupational diseases and job-related diseases. The figures included show the total number of employees in a company and in a branch of economy and the number of employees suffering from a disease. In 2005 and 2006 Croatian companies received a questionnaire containing questions on the number of employees, statodynamic and psycho-physiological strains in the work processes, and the number of employees exposed to these strains. Occupational medicine specialists stated in their reports the incidence of illness among employees in different branches of the economy and the number of employees suffering from locomotor disorders in these branches. The classification of strains at work used here was developed by the Croatian Institute of Occupational Medicine, which is the classification of occupational hazards used elsewhere in Europe. The analysis of diseases was guided by the revised version of the International Classification of Diseases and Conditions. The results show that in large companies 81.1% employees and in small companies 62.5% employees are exposed to statodynamic strain. In large companies 53.2% employees and in small companies 40.2% employees are exposed to static strain, whereas 28.9% employees in large companies and 20.9% employees in small companies are exposed to dynamic strain. As many as 82.8% of all employees are exposed to psycho-physiological strain, of which 83.8% in large and 61.1% in small companies. The incidence of statodynamic strain is highest in construction work, processing industry and in mining. The incidence of locomotor diseases is highest in agriculture and forestry, and in construction work. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      U Hrvatskom zavodu za medicinu rada analizirani su podaci o naporima koji mogu uzrokovati profesionalne bolesti i bolesti vezane uz rad, ovisno o broju zaposlenih u pojedinoj tvrtki i privrednoj grani. Tvrtkama u Republici Hrvatskoj tijekom 2005. i 2006. godine upućen je upitnik o broju zaposlenih, prisutnosti statodinamičkih i psihofizioloških napora u radnim procesima i broju radnika izloženih tim naporima. Specijalisti medicine rada u svojim su izvješćima o pobolu radnika u pojedinim gospodarskim i drugim granama naveli udio radnika oboljelih od bolesti sustava za kretanje u tim istim gospodarskim granama. Za klasificiranje napora na radu korištena je klasifikacija izraāena u Hrvatskom zavodu za medicinu rada koja je u skladu s klasifikacijama radnih opasnosti koje se koriste u Europi, a za analizu pobola deseta revizija Meāunarodne klasifikacije bolesti i sličnih stanja. Rezultati rada ukazuju da je čak 81,1% radnika u velikim i 62,5% radnika u malim poduzećima izloženo statodinamičkim naporima. Statičkim naporima izloženo je 53,2% radnika u velikim i 40,2% radnika u malim poduzećima, a dinamičkim 28,9% radnika u velikim i 20,9% radnika u malim poduzećima. čak je 82,8% svih radnika izloženo psihofiziološkim naporima, od toga 83,8% u velikim i 61,1% u malim poduzećima. Statodinamičkim naporima najčešće su izloženi radnici u graāevinarstvu, preraāivačkoj industriji i rudarstvu. Učestalost bolesti sustava za kretanje najčešća je u radnika zaposlenih u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu te graāevinarstvu. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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