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    • Abstract:
      The article is exploring the changes in the communication value of Slovenian book after the year 1991. The shifted (self)understanding of the publishing business going from activity of 'special social importance' to explicitly profit-making activity has not only changed the ways of book production, but also the products themselves. This has influenced also those factors in the communication circuit of the book which still belong to the public sector. Following the example of two bestsellers published in 2008, the author points out the differences in public and market functioning of structurally same books and emphasizes the importance of a conscious choice which positions the adequate product into the communication circuit of the book. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      Članek preiskuje spremembe v komunikacijski vrednosti slovenske knjige po letu 1991. Preobraženo (samo)razumevanje založništva iz dejavnosti 'posebnega družbenega pomena' v eksplicitno pridobitno dejavnost ni spremenilo le načinov knjižne proizvodnje, temveč tudi same izdelke, kar je vplivalo tudi na tiste člene v komunikacijskem krogu knjige, ki še zmeraj sodijo v javni sektor. Ob primeru dveh knjižnih uspešnic, izdanih leta 2008, avtor prikazuje razlike v javnem in tržnem učinkovanju strukturno enakih knjig, in poudarja pomen zavestne izbire umestitve ustreznega izdelka v komunikacijski krog knjige. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]