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- Abstract:
There is a strong need for more studies to analyze the adaptive changes of cardiovascular system to exercise training in children and adolescent athletes. The aim of the research was to describe alternations in the speed of changes in the parameters of cardiovascular system during exercise test in 12-17 years old athletes. The sample consisted of 160 male basketball players, rowers and cyclists between 12 and 17 years and healthy 79 non- athlete controls of similar age and the same gender. All the subjects were examined by M-mode and 2-dimensional echocardiography. Left ventricular end-diastolic internal diameter, posterior wall thickness, as well interventricular wall thickness were measured from M-mode echocardiography. Left ventricular mass (LVM) was calculated. All the participants of the study performed a graded exercise test on cycle ergometer. 12 ECG standard derivations were synchronically recorded every other minute. The following functional parameters and the speed of their changes were estimated: heart rate (HR), JT interval, RR interval, systolic blood pressure(S), diastolic blood pressure (D), pulse blood pressure amplitude (S-D), JT / RR ratio. The results showed that speed of changes in HR of athletes during all the stages of the exercise test was lower than that in the control group (p < 0.05). Differences in the speed of changes in HR, JT, JT / RR, S and (S-D) between athletes and controls have been reported in the last stages of the exercise test. The lowest speed of changes in HR observed in rowers in the 8-th min, in basketball players and cyclists - in the 10-th min, and in controls - in the 6-th min of the exercise test. We found statistically significantly higher speed of changes in JT in controls than that of athletes in the 6-th min of the exercise (p < 0.05). The lowest speed of changes in JT / RR observed in athletes in the 8-th min (the difference between the cyclists and the controls p < 0.05), in controls - in the 6-th min (the difference between the basketball players and the controls p < 0.05). Basketball players showed the lowest speed of changes in S and (S-D) in the 8 th min (the difference between the basketball players and the controls p < 0.05), cyclists and rowers - in the 10-th min, controls - in the 6-th min of the exercise test (the difference between the rowers, the basketball players, the cyclists and the controls p < 0.05), After reaching the lowest values, the speed of changes in HR, JT / RR, S, (S-D) increased in athletes and controls. The dynamic of speed changes in JT / RR ratio in basketball players is peculiar, compared to those of cyclists and rowers. The speed of changes in HR correlated significantly in athletes to LVM at the beginning of the load (r = -0,3). Stronger correlation between the speed of changes in HR and LVM was found in the 10-th min of the exercise test (r = -0,5). These findings showed that the athletes have reached the lowest values of speed of changes in the parameters in the final stages of the exercise test later compared to controls, and that suggests a better adaptation of cardiovascular system to physical exercise. Nevertheless, the alternation of speed of changes in JT / RR, S and (SD) in the final steps of the exercise can indicate the limit of functional possibilities of cardiovascular system. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
Iki šiol nepakanka tyrimų nagrinejančių sportuojanciu vaikų ir paauglių širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos (ŠKS) adaptaciją prie fizinio krūvio. Šio tyrimo tikslas -- naudojantis žmogaus organizmo funkcinės būklės įvertinimo modelių išnagrineti sportuojančių 12-17 metų vaikų ir paauglių širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos funkcinių rodiklių kitimo greiti dozuoto fizinio krūvio metu. Buvo ištirti 160 krepšinio, dviracių irklavimo sporto šakas kultivuojančių 12-17 metų berniukų. Kontrolinę tiriamujų grupę sudarė 79 sveiki nesportuojantys to paties amžiaus, lyties vaikai ir paaugliai. Atlikta visu tiriamuju M režimo ir dvimate echokardiografi ja. Diastoles metu išmatavus tarpskilvelines pertvaros (TSPd), KS užpakalines sieneles stori (KSUSd) ir kairiojo skilvelio diastolini skersmeni (KSDd), apskaiciuota KS miokardo mase (KSMM). Visi tiriamieji atliko veloergometrini megini. Tirti šie rodikliai ir ju kitimo greitis: širdies susitraukimo dažnis (ŠSD), R-R intervalas (RR), J-T intervalas (JT), sistolinis arterinis kraujospudis (S), diastolinis arterinis kraujospudis (D), pulsine amplitude (S-D) ir išvestinis dydis -- santykine repoliarizacija JT / RR. Tyrimas parode, kad sportuojanciu tiriamuju šSD kitimo greitis per visas kruvio pakopas statistiškai reikšmingai skyresi nuo nesportuojanciu kontrolines grupes tiriamuju (p < 0,05). Per paskutine kruvio pakopa (esant rezerviniu galimybiu mobilizacijos stadijai) maksimaliai pakito tiriamuju ŠSD, JT, JT / RR, S, (S-D) kitimo greitis. Irkluotoju ŠSD kitimo greitis mažiausias aštunta, krepšininku ir dviratininku - dešimta, kontrolines grupes tiriamuju -- šešta fizinio kruvio minute. Kontrolines grupes tiriamuju JT kitimo greitis padidejo šešta kruvio minute ir skyresi nuo krepšininkų irkluotoju ir dviratininku (p < 0,05), nuo šeštos iki aštuntos minutes mažejo tolygiai. Sportuojanciu tiriamuju JT / RR kitimo greitis buvo mažiausias aštunta kruvio minute (skirtumas tarp dviratininku ir kontrolines grupes -- p < 0,05), o kontrolines grupes tiriamuju -- šešta minute (skirtumas tarp krepšininku ir kontrolines grupes -- p < 0,05). Krepšininku S, (S-D) kitimo greitis mažiausias aštunta minute (skirtumas tarp krepšininku ir kontrolines grupes -- p < 0,05), irkluotoju ir dviratininku -- dešimta minute, o kontrolines grupes tiriamuju - šešta minute (skirtumas tarp krepšininkų irkluotojų dviratininku ir kontrolines grupes -- p < 0,05). Pasiekus mažiausia šSD, JT / RR, S, (S-D) kitimo greicio amplitude, per paskutine kruvio pakopa sportuojanciu ir nesportuojanciu tiriamuju grupese šiu rodikliu kitimo greitis vel padidejo. Didesne JT / RR kitimo greicio amplitudes kaita pastebeta tarp krepšininkų lyginant su irkluotojais, dviratininkais ir kontrolines grupes tiriamaisiais. Fizinio kruvio pradžioje tarp sportuojanciu tiriamuju kairiojo skilvelio miokardo mases (KSMM) ir šSD kitimo greicio buvo nustatytas neigiamas koreliacinis ryšys (r = -0,3), kuris stiprejo didinant fi zini kruvi (dešimta minute r = -0,5).… [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Abstract:
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