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      Ateitininkai organization stored big experience in work with youth. Each year they organize many youth camps, courses, study weeks for academy pupils and students in different places of Lithuania. Ateitininkai organization was regenerated in 1989. Looking at historical development biggest influence to this movement made P. Dovydaitis. He energized ateitininkai activities in independency years. In essence he repeats truth which was already known in church history- that scientific knowledge and faith have close-contact; scientific truth and religion truth complement each other and sense; separation of them would degrade possibilities of human cognition. P. Dovydaitis thought, that ateitininkai have to stay loyal to that its spirit, which animated it in all heterofore determination. Ateitininkai organization have to be young and idealistic always, ready to sacrifice for higher values. A bit later S. Šalkauskis joined this movement. He though that ateitininkai must forbid to immature members belong to any party and interfere to their activities; leave right for adults belong to parties and work party work with condition, that this party will not conflict with catholic church principles and dealings. Ateitininkai is most grounded and successful Lithuanian youth organization now. Ateitininkai are gathering twice a year to summer and winter academies organized for them (SAZA and SAVA). There were discussions about organization problems in academy, which was organized in Siauliai in 2006. The participants of this academy analyzed these problems and got their needed answers. Higher education, expansion of ateitininkai in universities, science and religion questions was most interesting and important. Some lack showed up also - an ideology which is not explained to society, not understanding aim of organization, not well-disposed atmosphere for values expansion, lack of public, courage to fight with difficulties, leaders upstaging other members, ateitininkai are not collaborating with their universities. Ateitininkai have activities program, federation statute (2003), but their activities task - to follow and keep main principles in life - is relevant and scientifically unexplored question. In a very beginning ateitininkai had aim to resist demoralizing tsar official schools and authority influence, which implied antichristianity, nihilism, anarchism. It means to reach main goal - to initiate spiritual revival of nation. And also nowadays academic youth should not be afraid to show more strength, initiative, and creativeness and in the same time not to avoid responsibility, keep their own principles stronger and more hardily propagate catholic principles in a society, because ateitininkai import basement to future youth activities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
    • Abstract:
      1989 m. buvo atkurta Ateitininkų federacija. Šiuo metu tai viena gausiausių ir sėkmingiausiai veikiančių Lietuvos jaunimo organizacijų. Ateitininkai du kartus per metus renkasi į jiems organizuojamas akademijas (SAŽA ir SAVA). 2006 m. akademijos, vykusios Šiauliuose, mew buvo išsamiau nagrinėtos organizacijos problemos. Akademijos dalyviai nagrinėjo ir dauguma gavo atsakymus į jiems rūpimus klausimus. Svarbiausi buvo aukštojo mokslo, ateitininkų veiklos plėtros universitetuose, mokslo ir religijos klausimai. Išryškėjo ir trūkumai, kaip antai: neišaiškinta visuomenei ateitininkų ideologija, nepakankama ateitininkų branda, organizacijos tikslų nesupratimas, nepalanki aplinka ateitininkų vertybių sk!aidai, pilietiškumo, drąsos kovoti su sunkumais trūkumas, kitus užgožiantis lyderiavimas, ateitininkų nebendradarbiavimas su savo universiterais. Akademinis jaunimas turėrų nebijoti parodyti daugiau ryžto, iniciatyvos, kūrybiškumo ir tuo pat metu nevengti arsakomybės, tvirčiau laikytis savo principų, drąsiau visuomenėje skleisti katlikiškumą. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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