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A longitudinal study of brain volume changes in rhesus macaque model infected with SIV.
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- Additional Information
- Source:
Publisher: Springer Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9508123 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1538-2443 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 13550284 NLM ISO Abbreviation: J Neurovirol Subsets: MEDLINE
- Publication Information:
Publication: 2011- : New York : Springer
Original Publication: Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York, NY : Stockton Press, c1995-
- Subject Terms:
- Abstract:
Given the current lack of understanding of brain volume changes caused by HIV infection, this study aimed to longitudinally assess the changes in regional brain tissue volume following HIV infection and to explore its relationship with peripheral blood absolute CD4+ lymphocyte count (CD4+), the percentage of monocytes in plasma(MON%) and cerebrospinal fluid viral load (CFVL).Four adult male rhesus monkeys were examined in healthy status and following infection with simian immunodeficiency virus using high-resolution 3D T1-weighted sagittal whole brain magnetic resonance imaging. DPABI and SPM were used to process and record changes in brain tissue volume. Correlation analyses were then used to explore the above relationships. Compared with brain tissue volume during the healthy stage, there was no change at 12 and 24 weeks postinoculation (12 wpi, 24 wpi). At 36 wpi, 48 wpi, and 60 wpi, basal ganglia, left inferior temporal gyrus, left occipital gyrus, and left superior frontal gyrus exhibited varying degrees of atrophy. There was no association found between CD4+, MON%, CFVL, and brain volume loss in any brain region. Our research demonstrated that in the early stage of HIV infection, local brain tissue atrophy can be demonstrated by MRI technique; furthermore, MRI can identify the earliest site of atrophy as well as the most severely affected site. Although there was no significant correlation between brain tissue volume loss and CD4+, MON%, and CFVL, our findings provided some evidence in the application of volumetric MR imaging in the early diagnosis and treatment follow-up of patients with HIV infection.
- Contributed Indexing:
Keywords: 3D T1; Atrophy; Brain volume; HIV; Longitudinally
- Publication Date:
Date Created: 20200626 Date Completed: 20210706 Latest Revision: 20210706
- Publication Date:
- Accession Number:
- Accession Number:
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