[Translation and Development of the Chinese-Version Patient Privacy Scale].

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  • Additional Information
    • Source:
      Publisher: Taiwan hu li xue hui Country of Publication: China (Republic : 1949- ) NLM ID: 0073267 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0047-262X (Print) NLM ISO Abbreviation: Hu Li Za Zhi Subsets: MEDLINE
    • Publication Information:
      Publication: <2000-> : Taibei : Taiwan hu li xue hui
      Original Publication: Taibei, Zhonghua Minguo hu li xue hui, [1954?]-
    • Subject Terms:
    • Abstract:
      Background: The unauthorized releasing of confidential patient information is a serious problem worldwide. Nurses, the healthcare professionals who are in most frequent contact with patients, have access to a significant amount of confidential patient information and play a key role in protecting patient privacy. However, currently, there is no proper tool to measure the level to which clinical nurses protect the privacy of their patients in China.
      Purpose: To translate the patient privacy scale (PPS) into Chinese and to test the reliability and validity of this Chinese version.
      Methods: The original scale was developed by Özturk, Bahcecik, and Özçelik (2014) to identify whether nurses protect or violate patient privacy in the workplace. This study used the "back translation" method to translate the scale. A total of 616 nurses in two tertiary hospitals in the Western region of China were enrolled to test the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity of the translated scale.
      Results: The Cronbach's coefficients of the total scale and its 5 factors ranged from .84 to .94; the split half reliability was .91; the test-retest reliability was .82; and the content validity index was .95. Explanatory factor analysis revealed that the 5 factors explained 64.98% of the total variance.
      Conclusions: The Chinese version of the PPS is reliable and valid, and may be used to reliably assess the behaviors of nurses with regard to protecting the privacy of their patients. The scale may also be used to evaluate the effects of training on patient privacy protection.
    • Contributed Indexing:
      Keywords: nurses; patient; privacy scale; reliability; validity
      Local Abstract: [Publisher, Chinese] 轉譯和建構中文版病人隱私量表. [Publisher, Chinese] 病人隱私洩露問題在世界各國均很嚴重,護理人員是與病人接觸最多且擁有較多病人資訊之專業人員,其對病人隱私保護扮演著重要的角色。然而,目前中國大陸卻缺少適用於測量臨床護理人員對病人隱私保護之工具。. [Publisher, Chinese] 譯製中文版「病人隱私量表」(patient privacy scale),並進行信效度檢定。. [Publisher, Chinese] 本量表原為Özturk、Bahcecik與Özçelik(2014)所發展,用於測量護理人員在職場是保護還是侵犯病人之隱私。本研究採「翻譯—回譯」方法,進行中英文的雙次翻譯,並以中國大陸西部地區兩所三級甲等綜合醫院,共616位護理人員為研究對象進行施測,藉以檢定中文版量表之內在一致性與再測信度,以及結構效度。. [Publisher, Chinese] 量表總的Cronbach's α為 .94,五個因素的Cronbach's α介於 .84~ .90;折半信度為 .91;再測信度為 .82;內容效度為 .95。經探索性因素分析後,可解釋之總變異量為64.98%。. [Publisher, Chinese] 「病人隱私量表」中文版具有良好的信、效度。本量表可實際應用於測量臨床護理人員對病人之隱私保護情況;亦可作為評量病人隱私保護訓練成效的前後測工具。.
    • Publication Date:
      Date Created: 20170606 Date Completed: 20171003 Latest Revision: 20181023
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