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[Relationship between salt intake and urinary electrolyte elimination over a 24 hour period in children].
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- Author(s): Györke Z;Györke Z
- Source:
Orvosi hetilap [Orv Hetil] 1990 Dec 09; Vol. 131 (49), pp. 2711-4.
- Publication Type:
English Abstract; Journal Article
- Language:
- Additional Information
- Transliterated Title:
Osszefüggés a sóbevitel és a 24 órás elektrolitürítés között gyermekkorban.
- Source:
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado Country of Publication: Hungary NLM ID: 0376412 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Print ISSN: 0030-6002 (Print) Linking ISSN: 00306002 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Orv Hetil Subsets: MEDLINE
- Publication Information:
Publication: 2007- : Budapest : Akademiai Kiado
Original Publication: Pest : Markusovszky Lajos
- Subject Terms:
- Abstract:
This study was undertaken to estimate daily salt intake by measuring urinary electrolyte excretion in 203 healthy children with age of 0-17 years. Daily sodium excretion increased steadily with advancing age from 7.56 +/- 4.02 (mean +/- S.E.) (mmol/die) in infancy to 43.7 +/- 22.6 at 1-3 years, and to 164.70 +/- 74.70 at 15-17 years respectively. The corresponding values of daily potassium excretion were 13.93 +/- 6.30, 7.12 +/- 4.70 and 30.90 +/- 31.20 mmol/die at the respective ages. When expressed per kg body weight sodium excretion proved to be the highest at 5-7 years of age, while the maximum of potassium excretion was seen during infancy. As a result, the sodium to potassium ratio increased significantly from 0.62 during infancy to 6.50 at age of 1-3 years without consistent change later on. No significant difference could be detected in electrolyte excretion between the groups with normo-or hypertension. The marked elevation of daily sodium excretion and sodium to potassium ratio occurring after one year of age may be accounted for by the introduction of adult type feeding pattern.
- Accession Number:
0 (Electrolytes)
0 (Sodium, Dietary)
9NEZ333N27 (Sodium)
RWP5GA015D (Potassium)
- Publication Date:
Date Created: 19901209 Date Completed: 19910207 Latest Revision: 20131121
- Publication Date:
- Accession Number:
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